
Saturday, 21 June 2014

Ten Reasons to Date a Cyclist

Being foot loose and fancy free, I gotta admit I had a bit of a laugh and thought you might also enjoy appreciate my sharing what are supposedly ten good reasons why you should date or  be glad that you married a cyclist:

1. Cyclists are hot, it's science. A recent study found that cyclists who excelled in the Tour de France are perceived as more attractive than other athletes and that the top 10% of cyclists “are about 25% more attractive than the lowest 10%” which means maybe fast is the new rich?

2. Cyclists are smart. According to a recent survey, most people view cyclists as 13% more intelligent than the average person.

3. According to the same Mindlab survey, cyclists are generally viewed as 10% more charitable than non-cyclists.

4. Your date will be around for a while. Pro cyclists live, on average, 6.3 more years than non-cyclists. 
So long as we don't fall off coming down the Stelvio or get hit by a car.

5. After years of honing bike-maintenance skills, your date will be up for fixing things around the house, too.

6. No lazy bums here, just toned ones. Cyclists are disciplined, often rigorously so & will withstand the elements to get their rides in.

7. Cyclists are constantly setting goals for themselves so if you want a forward-thinking date,  cyclists are a catch!

8. Cyclists have great near-death-experience stories to share, which is also why they’re also sticklers about safety.

9. Cyclists don’t call in sick. According to a 2013 survey by the National Cycle Network, cyclists take half the number of sick days as their public transportation-riding colleagues.

10. Think your date’s obsession with the open road is a little over-the-top? He / She is saner than you think. Studies have shown that vigorous exercise like cycling can boost concentration and memory while reducing stress and anxiety. The bike is good for the brain.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

A bit of wet weather gear....

Having looked at the weather conditions we may encounter whilst in South America, I recently looked at updating my wardrobe which I felt gave rise to the need to add to my cycling attire. The result has been:
  • The purchase of a new jacket. Hopefully it will get me through the worst of conditions should the heavens open and the rain start tumbling down. Of course, it had to be red, so that I could rejoin Team Red (Annie & Nicki from La Bella Italia 2013) and so that I should stand out somewhat, in photographs....

  • The purchase of some rain repealing trousers.

  • The purchase of a headband / muffler, to keep out the worst of the chill / exhaust fumes.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Rolling with the Troll

Having been for a couple of rides now, I gotta say I'm finally getting accustomed to how he works & one thing has become evident. I'm going to get fitter when I'm in his company. It's just that little bit harder to get him moving, given that he's so much heavier than my usual stead. 

The other issue I'm still to contend with is improving his eye sight. He'd be reliant on a guide dog, were he to go out at night. A few lights will help him I'm sure, to say nothing of the fact that it will help make him stand out at night. In saying that, I'm not quite sure how or where I want to mount the forward facing lights, given that the handle bar bag hangs from & blocks the most obvious spot on which to mount a light. 

The big question is whether to compromise on the light's mounting position or when I use the bag.... In saying that of course, the need to use both the bag & light simultaneously whilst on my trip through the Andes isn't going to be all that high, so it's more of an issue for when I'm riding around Melbourne more than anything else. 

Finally and whilst I was just going to rough it, I suspect I'll be having a chat to Huw from Commuter Cycles about the concept of applying some basic mudguards. The idea of wearing half the Andes Mountains, cause it's got a little wet, doesn't particularly appeal!