
Wednesday 8 May 2013


Well what was supposed to be a five minute check that all was all OK with my bike, ended up being a very enjoyable pootle through the local countryside. I had no idea of where I was going at any given point in time, hence the frequent stops whilst I checked my phone to see where I was relative to my hotel. I also used this ride to fine tune things on my bike.

I'm still having a little difficulty getting some of the lower gears which I'll need to rectify A.S.A.P given that Saturday's itinerary has a fair bit of climbing involved.

Now for those of you who are still eagerly awaiting some video footage or even just a couple of photos to accompany the route information, hopefully the following prove that I am in fact in Italy.

My hotel is located in the beachside resort or fishing village of Terrasini. As per yesterday's comments, highlights just what a clot I was in not investigating where it was, relative to the larger town of Palermo. IE: Some 35 Kilometres away.

What this photo of Partinico doesn't show you, is how hectic the peak hour traffic at midday can be and the fact that this road is likely to have parked (abandoned) cars on either side of the road, and yet still have traffic coming or going from either direction. Sheer madness.

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