
Sunday 24 August 2014

Caraz to Huaraz

Feeling somewhat rested and relaxed having commuted on the truck yesterday, I was somewhat anxious to get on the bike and ride today, though not nearly as eager or stressed out about doing so as a number of my colleagues. 

I'll be buggered if I know why, but the level of anxiety to get rolling however was such that there were a few frayed nerves and a general lack of decorum which is a bit of a pity, given that we are now three weeks into the adventure and yet we as a group still don't seem to operate as a particularly cohesive bunch. 

Hopefully that's something that will change as our journey continues....

At any rate, I was glad when we got moving and as is becoming the norm whilst there was a bit of jostling for position initially, things sorted themselves out soon enough, as people spread out a little based on their abilities,  interests, etc. 

At the 15KM point a number of us, mainly those of us who are participating in this adventure more as a leisurely pursuit than a race or fitness exercise, stopped at a memorial site dedicated to the twenty thousand of people in the area, who lost their lives as a result of the 1970 earthquake. 

It was a very touching site and I'm so glad that we were able to pay a visit.

We subsequently rode on, till someone within the group (a mini grupeto of seven) pointed out a little cafe / coffee spot a little further on. A can of coke or whatever was consumed, before we continued on to the lunch spot.

Both Julia (another Aussie) and myself, feeling a little stronger than the rest of the peleton, dropped the group, on one of the hills, which were more of a rolling nature than the route profile suggested and subsequently rode off to lunch and thereafter to our hotel.

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