
Thursday 25 September 2014

Copacabana to Huatajata

Cycling out of Copacabana today proved to be far more enjoyable and scenic than I could ever have imagined. I mean sure there was a 400 odd metre climb over some 12 or 13 KMs or so to be dealt with right from the outset, but it's hardly a long or steep gradient to deal with in comparison with some of the mountains we've had to climb.

Feeling good after having rested yesterday, I found myself riding at a tempo which not only felt good but also had me riding past some of the normally faster riders within the group.

I'm not sure whether they had all chose to take it easy today, spent an inordinate amount of time taking photos (something I regretfully didn't do) or I was just riding well but either way I found myself cresting the summit with the bulk of the group behind me rather than ahead as is usually the case. 

As a result when I got to the lunch truck there, were a few gasps of surprise that I should do so, faster than would normally be expected to be the case.

A quick bite of food was consumed, before I headed down hill and to the ferry port, which was to take Julia and myself across to the other side of Lake Titicaca, where we were to face a rather steep climb out of the town. 

Stupidly we both decided to make a bit of a race of the climb, something which is not so easy to do at altitude and whilst there wasn't much in it on the first and main hill, there remains a bit of conjecture as to who crossed the line first on the second hill (speed bump) and as a result it looks like this is going to be an ongoing competition (on paved road hill climbs at least) for awhile until the issue has been settled for once and for all.


  1. Can't resist a bit of competition ehh!

    1. Whilst it's not been easy, it;s been a great deal of fun having someone to spar with whilst on the bike, in terms of being the first to the top of a hill on top of which it helps spice up the day / ride, cause no one else within the group rides spices things up in any way. They all tend to take things very seriously in terms of either racing or simply grinding the kilometres down till they get to the campsite or hotel. BORING!
