
Thursday 13 June 2013

Laces to Grosio

Well, here we go up the Stelvio. Forty eight hairpin corners, worth some twenty four kilometres of climbing. Just a good thing that the gradient ain't in the double figure range early on. 

No idea how far I had climbed by this stage. Not all the corners were marked / counted down but obviously a good opportunity to collect one's breath, take a sip of water and to rvitalise one's energy.

Yet another pit stop.


It's a bit like Beach Road in a way, given the number of cyclists from all around the world who want to challenge themselves with something as formidable as the Stelvio.

A group photo taken at the top.

Just one of the views of the valley in which we were to descend.

At this point I should mention that we were tackling the mountain, just slightly differently to the way the Pros were to have done it in the Giro. IE: We were to descend the way they were to come up and vice versa. 

As for which way is the harder. Who knows... The Pros didn't do it anyhow....

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