
Monday 10 November 2014

Junin de los Andes to Ruta de 7 Lagos

With the lunch truck having stopped God knows where, once again, (It wasn't where we'd been told it would be) Barry, Terry & myself stopped at a cafe in San Martin de los Andes for a bite to eat and I've got to say it was one of the best lunches I've had in quite a while. I enjoyed a couple of empanadas, a cerveza and followed it all up with a coffee.

Whilst it still remains a mystery to me as to where the lunch truck had stopped, with a number of people within the morning's peleton also saying that they had either bought their own lunches in town or decided to ride on, having not sighted the truck nor a flag indicating that an alternate venue was being utilised, I cannot once again feel a little peeved at the way things are run.

Fortunately the ride element of today's activities was fun. 

I'd ostensibly stayed out of the head wind during the morning by riding with the peleton and as a consequence was able to put the foot down a little for the second half of the day - including the climb out of San Martin de los Andes something that was also helped by the fact that I'd decided (and going against convention and my normal practice) to wear a set of sport head phones in order to listen to some uplifting music by the likes of AC/DC, Midnight Oil, Queen, along with a sprinkling of classical or opera music. T'was most enjoyable. So much so, that I nearly rode past our campsite for the night. 

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