
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Choosing to do a supported or self-supported ride.

There are so many factors which come in to play when trying to determine whether to do a self-supported or supported bike ride and whilst some people may say I'm jumping the gun a little, having only done two supported rides with the one company, I'll let you know my thoughts on the issue in the hope it'll help you decide how you might what to proceed.


  • Camaraderie - It's a great opportunity to develop new & lasting friendships. There really is something to be said for chatting with others, both at the dinner table or whilst out on the open road as you ride along, about your cycling experiences to date, and sharing in the sights & sounds your witnessing as you ride along.
  • Educational - Hopefully your organiser will have incorporated some interesting sights into your route, as well as providing a bit of information about the region in which you are traveling. There's also typically a greater opportunity to partake in cultural, historical or winery tours by being in a group particularly at end of or rest day destinations.
  • Mechanical Support - Sure you may still need to know how to repair a puncture, however in a group environment, there's always someone to give you hand (assuming there isn't a bike mechanic in the organiser's team) to help keep the wheels turning. This is a biggie, as being unable to ride because of mechanical issues is going to sour your holiday.
  • Navigation - With a predetermined route (and achievable) daily destination in mind, you won't get lost, with the organiser hopefully having provided GPS routes for upload into your bike computer along with paper maps.
  • Security - There's a lot to be said for having the peace of mind in knowing that there is a sweep rider and/or SAG wagon ensuring you reach your night's destination. Having someone there to assist medically or mechanically is invaluable. 
  • Camaraderie - Given the likely the age & cultural mix of the group, you may not get along with everyone, though to an extent this may be offset depending on the size of the group.
  • Price - In addition to the obvious cost of providing tour group facilities, there may be a compromise necessary in terms of matching one's budget, with an interesting tour route and the type of accommodation & level of services being provided.

  • Flexibility - You can ride at your own pace, stopping where you like, when you like and for as long as you like...
  • Price - It's typically cheaper! 
  • Independence - You have to maintain your own momentum, regardless of weather or physical ability / desire to carry on, as well as being required to undertake any and all repairs yourself.
  • Key Highlights - You may miss some of the best sights / experiences of the region depending on how much research your able to undertake before setting off...

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