
Saturday 12 December 2015

With 2015 drawing to a close.....

Having not exactly been on the bike much this year, primarily because I didn't draw up any grand schemes, as far as international destinations are concerned or what have you, I've been somewhat quiet as far as my activities / blog is concerned. That said however my Garmin does tell me I've ridden in excess of 2000KM - so I shouldn't complain too greatly!

I am however going to have to refocus and set a few goals for 2016. There are numerous options and it's a bit hard to know where to begin but you have to start somewhere. 

One of my dilemmas is that having loved elements of both of my international cycling oriented jaunts (despite how they may have concluded), I am tempted to once again jet off to parts unknown. That said, I have seen so little of Australia on the saddle of a bike.... 

Hmm decisions, decisions. I suppose that's one of the blessings of being somewhat footloose & fancy free. The world is your oyster! 

Whilst I wish on the one hand that I'd had the opportunity to live "the normal life" with a 9-5 job, family and so on.... It wasn't to be other issues / responsibilities came up! Now I don't know that "normal" is something I can / want to aspire too any longer.....

I mean if you'd meet my family (well my siblings at least) you'd understand why I wished them good riddance. I'm free of them and their stupidity now and  forever more! Of course there's no rear vision mirror's on a bike and I'm too too busy pedaling and doing my own thing, as to glance backwards! 

Seriously and to anyone who says that blood is thicker than water I can only say "You've obviously never owned or operated a Karcher Pressure Washer", cause the clean all sorts of stains in next to no time.

So the big question I suppose is whether I set some or at least my major yearly goal for here in OZ or somewhere overseas????

I'm thinking Europe, Holland, into The Baltic States, then on to Germany before concluding in Switzerland cause that would give me the opportunity to catch up with numerous friends as well as providing a bit of "normality" as far as my travels are concerned, but by the same token am also drawn to the idea of exploring India thanks to comments made by a cycling colleague who navigated his way around the country on a bike a couple of years ago..... I mean it's a country I've yet to visit, one that appeals from a cultural & scenic perspective and so his stories of what he'd seen & done, opened a whole Pandora's Box in terms of what's possible! 

Something that wasn't helped recently as a result of seeing photos / hearing stories from another friend who visited India this year! 

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